~Gateworld An edit cheat - By Simon Burrows `This was much more difficult to 'hack' than normal, to say the `least, since the save game files become different lengths `depending on which difficulty level you are using, which slot you `have saved your game under, and by which name you have saved it `by. This means that the area of the save-game file that contains `information on your number of lives, shots etc. is also different `each time! Because of this, the following edit is more complicated `than usual, and will require the use of a HEX-Editor with a `feature for searching strings of HEX. ~`To work the edit, complete the following steps... ` i) Load Gateworld and start a new game remembering whether it ` is an easy, normal or hard game. ` ` ii) When the game begins, don't move and don't shoot!! Press ` [ESC] to get the menu, and select the 'Save Game' option. ` Select the top slot and save you game under any name you ` like. When the game is saved, quit Gateworld and get back ` to a DOS prompt. ` `iii) Now load a HEX-Editor with a search feature and pop-up the ` file called "SAVGAME0.GW1". ` ` iv) Make a search for one of the following strings depending on ` whether you were in a easy, normal or hard game :- ` ` EASY - 06 00 00 00 0A 00 ` NORMAL - 03 00 00 00 05 00 ` HARD - 01 00 00 00 04 00 ` ` v) When you arrive at the destination, change the string ` located there to the following :- ` ` 84 03 84 03 84 03 ` ` vi) Now load Gateworld back up, load your save game, and you ` should find you have 900 coins, 900 lives and 900 shots!! ` What fun!! ` ` ~`Sorry about the complications.... ` ~`Simon Burrows